Vertical Datum Transformation
Integrating America's Elevation Data

VDatum API Documentation

VDatum API Documentation describes how to use the APIs and includes code samples.

JSON - VDatum Full API

VDatum Full API Diagram

Response Elements

region Region
s_h_frame Source Horizontal Reference Frame
s_coor Source Horizontal Coor. System
s_h_unit Source Horizontal Unit
s_h_zone Source Horizontal Zone (UTM, SPC)
s_v_frame Source Vertical Reference Frame
s_v_unit Source Vertical Unit
s_v_elevation Source Vertical Elevation
s_v_geoid Source Vertical GEOID model
s_x Source X
s_y Source Y
s_z Source Z
t_h_frame Target Horizontal Reference Frame.
t_coor Target Horizontal Coor. System
t_h_unit Target Horizontal Unit
t_h_zone Target Horizontal Zone (UTM, SPC)
t_v_frame Target Tidal Frame
t_v_unit Target Vertical Unit
t_v_elevation Target Vertical Elevation
t_v_geoid Target Vertical GEOID model
epoch_in Epoch - the input position
epoch_out Epoch - the output position
t_x Target X
t_y Target Y
t_z Target Z
uncertainty Vertical Uncertainty (+/-)

Request URL


Request parameters

s_x (required) Input Source X (Longitude or Easting or X)

e.g. -124.422225, 235.577775, 387965.817, -2552393.98607 etc

s_y (required) Input Source Y (Latitude or Northing or Y)

e.g. 44.040218, 4877323.65984, -3788219.31101 etc

s_z (optional) Input Source Z (Height or Z)

e.g. 27.121, -3.649, 0.00, 4411305.243 etc

Default value is 0

region (optional) Input Region. (Regions List)

e.g. ak, as, contiguous, gcnmi, prvi etc

Default value is contiguous

s_h_frame (optional) Input Source Horizontal Reference Frame. (Horizontal Reference Frames List)

e.g. NAD27, NAD83_1986, NAD83_2011, NAD83_NSRS2007, NAD83_MARP00, NAD83_PACP00, WGS84_G1674, ITRF2014, IGS14, ITRF2008, IGS08, ITRF2005, IGS2005, WGS84_G1150, ITRF2000, IGS00, IGb00, ITRF96, WGS84_G873, ITRF94, ITRF93, ITRF92, SIOMIT92, WGS84_G730, ITRF91, ITRF90, ITRF89, ITRF88, WGS84_TRANSIT, WGS84_G1762 etc

Default value is NAD83_2011

s_coor (optional) Input Source Horizontal Coor system.

e.g. geo, utm, spc, xyz

Default value is geo

s_h_unit (optional) Input Source Horizontal Unit.

e.g. m, ft, us_ft

Default value is m (meter)

s_h_zone (required
if it is UTM or SPC)
Input Source Horizontal Zone (UTM or SPC).

e.g. 18, 3900

s_v_frame (optional) Input Source Vertical Reference Frame. (Vertical Reference Frames List)

e.g. NAVD88, NGVD29, ASVD02, W0_USGG2012, GUVD04, NMVD03, PRVD02, VIVD09, CRD, EGM2008, EGM1996, EGM1984, XGEOID16B, XGEOID17B, XGEOID18B, XGEOID19B, IGLD85, LWD_IGLD85, OHWM_IGLD85, LMSL, MLLW, MLW, MTL, DTL, MHW, MHHW, LWD, NAD27, NAD83_1986, NAD83_2011, NAD83_NSRS2007, NAD83_MARP00, NAD83_PACP00, WGS84_G1674, ITRF2014, IGS14, ITRF2008, IGS08, ITRF2005, IGS2005, WGS84_G1150, ITRF2000, IGS00, IGb00, ITRF96, WGS84_G873, ITRF94, ITRF93, ITRF92, SIOMIT92, WGS84_G730, ITRF91, ITRF90, ITRF89, ITRF88, WGS84_TRANSIT, WGS84_G1762 etc

Default value is NAVD88

s_v_unit (optional) Input Source Vertical Unit.

e.g. m, ft, us_ft

Default value is m (meter)

s_v_elevation (optional) Input Source Vertical Elevation.

e.g. height, sounding

Default value is height

s_v_geoid (optional) Input Source Vertical GEOID model.

e.g. geoid18, geoid12b, geoid12a, geoid09, geoid06, geoid03, geoid99, geoid96, egm2008, egm1996, egm1984, xgeoid16b, xgeoid17b, xgeoid18b, xgeoid19b, xgeoid20b

Default value is geoid18

t_h_frame (optional) Input Target Horizontal Reference Frame. (Horizontal Reference Frames List)

e.g. NAD27, NAD83_1986, NAD83_2011, NAD83_NSRS2007, NAD83_MARP00, NAD83_PACP00, WGS84_G1674, ITRF2014, IGS14, ITRF2008, IGS08, ITRF2005, IGS2005, WGS84_G1150, ITRF2000, IGS00, IGb00, ITRF96, WGS84_G873, ITRF94, ITRF93, ITRF92, SIOMIT92, WGS84_G730, ITRF91, ITRF90, ITRF89, ITRF88, WGS84_TRANSIT, WGS84_G1762 etc

Default value is NAD83_2011

t_coor (optional) Input Target Horizontal Coor system.

e.g. geo, utm, spc, xyz

Default value is geo

t_h_unit (optional) Input Target Horizontal Unit.

e.g. m, ft, us_ft

Default value is m (meter)

t_h_zone (required
if it is SPC)
Input Target Horizontal Zone (SPC).

e.g. 3900

t_v_frame (optional) Input Target Vertical Reference Frame. (Vertical Reference Frames List)

e.g. NAVD88, NGVD29, ASVD02, W0_USGG2012, GUVD04, NMVD03, PRVD02, VIVD09, CRD, EGM2008, EGM1996, EGM1984, XGEOID16B, XGEOID17B, XGEOID18B, XGEOID19B, IGLD85, LWD_IGLD85, OHWM_IGLD85, LMSL, MLLW, MLW, MTL, DTL, MHW, MHHW, LWD, NAD27, NAD83_1986, NAD83_2011, NAD83_NSRS2007, NAD83_MARP00, NAD83_PACP00, WGS84_G1674, ITRF2014, IGS14, ITRF2008, IGS08, ITRF2005, IGS2005, WGS84_G1150, ITRF2000, IGS00, IGb00, ITRF96, WGS84_G873, ITRF94, ITRF93, ITRF92, SIOMIT92, WGS84_G730, ITRF91, ITRF90, ITRF89, ITRF88, WGS84_TRANSIT, WGS84_G1762 etc

Default value is NAVD88

t_v_unit (optional) Input Target Vertical Unit.

e.g. m, ft, us_ft

Default value is m (meter)

t_v_elevation (optional) Input Target Vertical Elevation.

e.g. height, sounding

Default value is height

t_v_geoid (optional) Input Target Vertical GEOID model.

e.g. geoid18, geoid12b, geoid12a, geoid09, geoid06, geoid03, geoid99, geoid96, egm2008, egm1996, egm1984, xgeoid16b, xgeoid17b, xgeoid18b, xgeoid19b, xgeoid20b

Default value is geoid18

epoch_in (optional) Epoch - the input position

e.g. 1997.0

Default value is 0.0

epoch_out (optional) Epoch - the output position

e.g. 1997.0

Default value is 0.0

Regions List

RegionRegion Description
ak Alaska
seak South East Alaska Tidal
as American Samoa
contiguous Contiguous United States
chesapeak_delaware Chesapeake/Delaware Bay
westcoast West Coast
wgom West Gulf Coast
gcnmi Guam and Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands
hi Hawaii
prvi Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands
sgi Saint George Island
spi Saint Paul Island
sli Saint Lawrence Island

Horizontal Reference Frames List

Horizontal Frame NameHorizontal Frame Description
NAD27 NAD 1927
NAD83_1986 NAD83 (1986)
NAD83_2011 NAD83_2011 - North American techtonic plate fixed
NAD83_NSRS2007 NAD83_NSRS2007 - NAD 83(NSRS2007) National Readjustment
NAD83_MARP00 NAD83 (MA11/MARP00) - Mariana tectonic plate fixed
NAD83_PACP00 NAD83 (PA11/PACP00) - Pacific tectonic plate fixed
WGS84_G1674 WGS84(G1674) - use ITRF2008
ITRF2014 International Terrestrial Reference System 2014
IGS14 International GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service of 2014
ITRF2008 International Terrestrial Reference System 2008
IGS08 International GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service of 2008
ITRF2005 International Terrestrial Reference System 2005
IGS2005 International GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service (IGS) of 2005
WGS84_G1150 WGS84(G1150) - use ITRF2000
ITRF2000 International Terrestrial Reference System 2000
IGS00 International GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service (IGS) of 2000
IGb00 NGS/IGS reference system of 2000
ITRF96 International Terrestrial Reference System 1996
WGS84_G873 WGS84(G873) - use ITRF96
ITRF94 International Terrestrial Reference System 1994
ITRF93 International Terrestrial Reference System 1993
ITRF92 International Terrestrial Reference System 1992
SIOMIT92 Scripps Institution of Oceanography /Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. 1992 (SIO/MIT 1992) - use ITRF91
WGS84_G730 WGS84(G730) - use ITRF91
ITRF91 International Terrestrial Reference System 1991
ITRF90 International Terrestrial Reference System 1990
ITRF89 International Terrestrial Reference System 1989
ITRF88 International Terrestrial Reference System 1988
WGS84_TRANSIT WGS84(transit) - use NAD83_2011 (see NGS's HTDP)
WGS84_G1762 WGS84(G1762) - use IGS08
WGS84_G2139 WGS84(G2139) - use IGS14

Vertical Reference Frames List

Vertical Frame NameVertical Frame Description
NAVD88 North American Vertical Datum of 1988
NGVD29 National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
ASVD02 American Samoa Vertical Datum of 2002
W0_USGG2012 Vertical datum of Hawaii (W0 from USGG2012)
GUVD04 Guam Vertical Datum of 2004
NMVD03 Northern Marianas Vertical Datum of 2003
PRVD02 Puerto Rico Vertical Datum of 2002
VIVD09 Virgin Island Vertical Datum of 2009
CRD Columbia River Datum
EGM2008 EGM2008(WGS84_G1674)
EGM1996 EGM1996(WGS84_G1674)
EGM1984 EGM1984(WGS84_G1674)
IGLD85 The International Great Lakes Datum of 1985
LWD_IGLD85 The International Great Lakes LWD Datum of 1985
OHWM_IGLD85 The Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) relative to IGLD 1985
CRD Columbia River Datum
LMSL Local Mean Sea Level
MLLW Mean Lower Low Water
MLW Mean Low Water
MTL Mean Tide Level
DTL Diurnal Tide Level
MHW Mean High Water
MHHW Mean Higher High Water
LWD Low Water Datum (non-tidal areas)
NAD27 NAD 1927
NAD83_1986 NAD83 (1986)
NAD83_2011 NAD83_2011 - North American techtonic plate fixed
NAD83_NSRS2007 NAD83_NSRS2007 - NAD 83(NSRS2007) National Readjustment
NAD83_MARP00 NAD83 (MA11/MARP00) - Mariana tectonic plate fixed
NAD83_PACP00 NAD83 (PA11/PACP00) - Pacific tectonic plate fixed
WGS84_G1674 WGS84(G1674) - use ITRF2008
ITRF2014 International Terrestrial Reference System 2014
IGS14 International GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service of 2014
ITRF2008 International Terrestrial Reference System 2008
IGS08 International GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service of 2008
ITRF2005 International Terrestrial Reference System 2005
IGS2005 International GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service (IGS) of 2005
WGS84_G1150 WGS84(G1150) - use ITRF2000
ITRF2000 International Terrestrial Reference System 2000
IGS00 International GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service (IGS) of 2000
IGb00 NGS/IGS reference system of 2000
ITRF96 International Terrestrial Reference System 1996
WGS84_G873 WGS84(G873) - use ITRF96
ITRF94 International Terrestrial Reference System 1994
ITRF93 International Terrestrial Reference System 1993
ITRF92 International Terrestrial Reference System 1992
SIOMIT92 Scripps Institution of Oceanography /Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. 1992 (SIO/MIT 1992) - use ITRF91
WGS84_G730 WGS84(G730) - use ITRF91
ITRF91 International Terrestrial Reference System 1991
ITRF90 International Terrestrial Reference System 1990
ITRF89 International Terrestrial Reference System 1989
ITRF88 International Terrestrial Reference System 1988
WGS84_TRANSIT WGS84(transit) - use NAD83_2011 (see NGS's HTDP)
WGS84_G1762 WGS84(G1762) - use IGS08
WGS84_G2139 WGS84(G2139) - use IGS14

Sample URL requests and responses

1 Region: contiguous



JSON output

"region": "CONTIGUOUS",
"s_h_frame": "NAD83_2011",
"s_coor": "geo",
"s_h_unit": "",
"s_h_zone": "",
"s_v_frame": "NAVD88",
"s_v_unit": "m",
"s_v_elevation": "height",
"s_v_geoid": "geoid18",
"s_x": "-75.211",
"s_y": "36.129",
"s_z": "0.0",
"t_h_frame": "NAD83_2011",
"t_coor": "geo",
"t_h_unit": "",
"t_h_zone": "",
"t_v_frame": "MLLW",
"t_v_unit": "m",
"t_v_elevation": "height",
"t_v_geoid": "geoid18",
"epoch_in": "0.0",
"epoch_out": "0.0",
"t_x": "-75.211",
"t_y": "36.129",
"t_z": "0.629",
"uncertainty": "0.063"
2 Region: contiguous



JSON output

"region": "CONTIGUOUS",
"s_h_frame": "NAD83_2011",
"s_coor": "geo",
"s_h_unit": "",
"s_h_zone": "",
"s_v_frame": "NAVD88",
"s_v_unit": "m",
"s_v_elevation": "height",
"s_v_geoid": "geoid18",
"s_x": "-75.211",
"s_y": "36.129",
"s_z": "0.0",
"t_h_frame": "NAD83_2011",
"t_coor": "geo",
"t_h_unit": "",
"t_h_zone": "",
"t_v_frame": "MHW",
"t_v_unit": "m",
"t_v_elevation": "height",
"t_v_geoid": "geoid18",
"epoch_in": "0.0",
"epoch_out": "0.0",
"t_x": "-75.211",
"t_y": "36.129",
"t_z": "-0.342",
"uncertainty": "0.058"
3 Region: contiguous



JSON output

"region": "CONTIGUOUS",
"s_h_frame": "NAD83_2011",
"s_coor": "geo",
"s_h_unit": "",
"s_h_zone": "",
"s_v_frame": "NAVD88",
"s_v_unit": "us_ft",
"s_v_elevation": "height",
"s_v_geoid": "geoid18",
"s_x": "-75.46803",
"s_y": "35.602986",
"s_z": "12.33",
"t_h_frame": "NAD83_2011",
"t_coor": "geo",
"t_h_unit": "",
"t_h_zone": "",
"t_v_frame": "MLLW",
"t_v_unit": "us_ft",
"t_v_elevation": "height",
"t_v_geoid": "geoid18",
"epoch_in": "0.0",
"epoch_out": "0.0",
"t_x": "-75.46803",
"t_y": "35.602986",
"t_z": "12.808",
"uncertainty": "0.190"
4 Region: Chesapeake/Delaware Bay


https://vdatum.noaa.gov/vdatumweb/api/convert?region=chesapeak_delaware&s_y=39.594706&s_x=-74.852064& s_h_frame=NAD27&s_v_frame=NGVD29&s_v_unit=m&height=0.0&t_v_frame=NAVD88&t_v_unit=m

JSON output

"s_h_frame": "NAD27",
"s_coor": "geo",
"s_h_unit": "",
"s_h_zone": "",
"s_v_frame": "NGVD29",
"s_v_unit": "m",
"s_v_elevation": "height",
"s_v_geoid": "geoid18",
"s_x": "-74.852064",
"s_y": "39.594706",
"s_z": "0.0",
"t_h_frame": "NAD83_2011",
"t_coor": "geo",
"t_h_unit": "",
"t_h_zone": "",
"t_v_frame": "NAVD88",
"t_v_unit": "m",
"t_v_elevation": "height",
"t_v_geoid": "geoid18",
"epoch_in": "0.0",
"epoch_out": "0.0",
"t_x": "-74.8516763",
"t_y": "39.5948273",
"t_z": "-0.372",
"uncertainty": "0.007"
5 Region: West Coast



JSON output

"region": "WESTCOAST",
"s_h_frame": "NAD83_2011",
"s_coor": "geo",
"s_h_unit": "",
"s_h_zone": "",
"s_v_frame": "NAVD88",
"s_v_unit": "m",
"s_v_elevation": "height",
"s_v_geoid": "geoid18",
"s_x": "-124.1",
"s_y": "44.9",
"s_z": "0.0",
"t_h_frame": "IGS14",
"t_coor": "geo",
"t_h_unit": "",
"t_h_zone": "",
"t_v_frame": "MLLW",
"t_v_unit": "m",
"t_v_elevation": "height",
"t_v_geoid": "geoid18",
"epoch_in": "0.0",
"epoch_out": "0.0",
"t_x": "-124.1000199",
"t_y": "44.9000018",
"t_z": "0.197",
"uncertainty": "0.079"