VDatum API Documentation describes how to use the APIs and includes code samples.
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Element | Description |
region | Region |
s_h_frame | Source Horizontal Reference Frame |
s_coor | Source Horizontal Coor. System |
s_h_unit | Source Horizontal Unit |
s_h_zone | Source Horizontal Zone (UTM, SPC) |
s_v_frame | Source Vertical Reference Frame |
s_v_unit | Source Vertical Unit |
s_v_elevation | Source Vertical Elevation |
s_v_geoid | Source Vertical GEOID model |
s_x | Source X |
s_y | Source Y |
s_z | Source Z |
t_h_frame | Target Horizontal Reference Frame. |
t_coor | Target Horizontal Coor. System |
t_h_unit | Target Horizontal Unit |
t_h_zone | Target Horizontal Zone (UTM, SPC) |
t_v_frame | Target Tidal Frame |
t_v_unit | Target Vertical Unit |
t_v_elevation | Target Vertical Elevation |
t_v_geoid | Target Vertical GEOID model |
epoch_in | Epoch - the input position |
epoch_out | Epoch - the output position |
t_x | Target X |
t_y | Target Y |
t_z | Target Z |
uncertainty | Vertical Uncertainty (+/-) |
Parameters | Definition |
s_x (required) | Input Source X (Longitude or Easting or X) e.g. -124.422225, 235.577775, 387965.817, -2552393.98607 etc |
s_y (required) | Input Source Y (Latitude or Northing or Y) e.g. 44.040218, 4877323.65984, -3788219.31101 etc |
s_z (optional) | Input Source Z (Height or Z) e.g. 27.121, -3.649, 0.00, 4411305.243 etc Default value is 0 |
region (optional) | Input Region. (Regions List)
e.g. ak, as, contiguous, gcnmi, prvi etc Default value is contiguous |
s_h_frame (optional) | Input Source Horizontal Reference Frame. (Horizontal Reference Frames List)
e.g. NAD27, NAD83_1986, NAD83_2011, NAD83_NSRS2007, NAD83_MARP00, NAD83_PACP00, WGS84_G1674, ITRF2014, IGS14, ITRF2008, IGS08, ITRF2005, IGS2005, WGS84_G1150, ITRF2000, IGS00, IGb00, ITRF96, WGS84_G873, ITRF94, ITRF93, ITRF92, SIOMIT92, WGS84_G730, ITRF91, ITRF90, ITRF89, ITRF88, WGS84_TRANSIT, WGS84_G1762 etc Default value is NAD83_2011 |
s_coor (optional) | Input Source Horizontal Coor system.
e.g. geo, utm, spc, xyz Default value is geo |
s_h_unit (optional) | Input Source Horizontal Unit. e.g. m, ft, us_ft Default value is m (meter) |
s_h_zone (required if it is UTM or SPC) |
Input Source Horizontal Zone (UTM or SPC).
e.g. 18, 3900 |
s_v_frame (optional) | Input Source Vertical Reference Frame. (Vertical Reference Frames List)
e.g. NAVD88, NGVD29, ASVD02, W0_USGG2012, GUVD04, NMVD03, PRVD02, VIVD09, CRD, EGM2008, EGM1996, EGM1984, XGEOID16B, XGEOID17B, XGEOID18B, XGEOID19B, IGLD85, LWD_IGLD85, OHWM_IGLD85, LMSL, MLLW, MLW, MTL, DTL, MHW, MHHW, LWD, NAD27, NAD83_1986, NAD83_2011, NAD83_NSRS2007, NAD83_MARP00, NAD83_PACP00, WGS84_G1674, ITRF2014, IGS14, ITRF2008, IGS08, ITRF2005, IGS2005, WGS84_G1150, ITRF2000, IGS00, IGb00, ITRF96, WGS84_G873, ITRF94, ITRF93, ITRF92, SIOMIT92, WGS84_G730, ITRF91, ITRF90, ITRF89, ITRF88, WGS84_TRANSIT, WGS84_G1762 etc Default value is NAVD88 |
s_v_unit (optional) | Input Source Vertical Unit. e.g. m, ft, us_ft Default value is m (meter) |
s_v_elevation (optional) | Input Source Vertical Elevation. e.g. height, sounding Default value is height |
s_v_geoid (optional) | Input Source Vertical GEOID model. e.g. geoid18, geoid12b, geoid12a, geoid09, geoid06, geoid03, geoid99, geoid96, egm2008, egm1996, egm1984, xgeoid16b, xgeoid17b, xgeoid18b, xgeoid19b, xgeoid20b Default value is geoid18 |
t_h_frame (optional) | Input Target Horizontal Reference Frame. (Horizontal Reference Frames List)
e.g. NAD27, NAD83_1986, NAD83_2011, NAD83_NSRS2007, NAD83_MARP00, NAD83_PACP00, WGS84_G1674, ITRF2014, IGS14, ITRF2008, IGS08, ITRF2005, IGS2005, WGS84_G1150, ITRF2000, IGS00, IGb00, ITRF96, WGS84_G873, ITRF94, ITRF93, ITRF92, SIOMIT92, WGS84_G730, ITRF91, ITRF90, ITRF89, ITRF88, WGS84_TRANSIT, WGS84_G1762 etc Default value is NAD83_2011 |
t_coor (optional) | Input Target Horizontal Coor system.
e.g. geo, utm, spc, xyz Default value is geo |
t_h_unit (optional) | Input Target Horizontal Unit. e.g. m, ft, us_ft Default value is m (meter) |
t_h_zone (required if it is SPC) |
Input Target Horizontal Zone (SPC).
e.g. 3900 |
t_v_frame (optional) | Input Target Vertical Reference Frame. (Vertical Reference Frames List)
e.g. NAVD88, NGVD29, ASVD02, W0_USGG2012, GUVD04, NMVD03, PRVD02, VIVD09, CRD, EGM2008, EGM1996, EGM1984, XGEOID16B, XGEOID17B, XGEOID18B, XGEOID19B, IGLD85, LWD_IGLD85, OHWM_IGLD85, LMSL, MLLW, MLW, MTL, DTL, MHW, MHHW, LWD, NAD27, NAD83_1986, NAD83_2011, NAD83_NSRS2007, NAD83_MARP00, NAD83_PACP00, WGS84_G1674, ITRF2014, IGS14, ITRF2008, IGS08, ITRF2005, IGS2005, WGS84_G1150, ITRF2000, IGS00, IGb00, ITRF96, WGS84_G873, ITRF94, ITRF93, ITRF92, SIOMIT92, WGS84_G730, ITRF91, ITRF90, ITRF89, ITRF88, WGS84_TRANSIT, WGS84_G1762 etc Default value is NAVD88 |
t_v_unit (optional) | Input Target Vertical Unit. e.g. m, ft, us_ft Default value is m (meter) |
t_v_elevation (optional) | Input Target Vertical Elevation. e.g. height, sounding Default value is height |
t_v_geoid (optional) | Input Target Vertical GEOID model. e.g. geoid18, geoid12b, geoid12a, geoid09, geoid06, geoid03, geoid99, geoid96, egm2008, egm1996, egm1984, xgeoid16b, xgeoid17b, xgeoid18b, xgeoid19b, xgeoid20b Default value is geoid18 |
epoch_in (optional) | Epoch - the input position e.g. 1997.0 Default value is 0.0 |
epoch_out (optional) | Epoch - the output position e.g. 1997.0 Default value is 0.0 |
Region | Region Description |
ak | Alaska |
seak | South East Alaska Tidal |
as | American Samoa |
contiguous | Contiguous United States |
chesapeak_delaware | Chesapeake/Delaware Bay |
westcoast | West Coast |
wgom | West Gulf Coast ![]() |
gcnmi | Guam and Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands |
hi | Hawaii |
prvi | Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands |
sgi | Saint George Island |
spi | Saint Paul Island |
sli | Saint Lawrence Island |
Horizontal Frame Name | Horizontal Frame Description |
NAD27 | NAD 1927 |
NAD83_1986 | NAD83 (1986) |
NAD83_2011 | NAD83_2011 - North American techtonic plate fixed |
NAD83_NSRS2007 | NAD83_NSRS2007 - NAD 83(NSRS2007) National Readjustment |
NAD83_MARP00 | NAD83 (MA11/MARP00) - Mariana tectonic plate fixed |
NAD83_PACP00 | NAD83 (PA11/PACP00) - Pacific tectonic plate fixed |
WGS84_G1674 | WGS84(G1674) - use ITRF2008 |
ITRF2014 | International Terrestrial Reference System 2014 |
IGS14 | International GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service of 2014 |
ITRF2008 | International Terrestrial Reference System 2008 |
IGS08 | International GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service of 2008 |
ITRF2005 | International Terrestrial Reference System 2005 |
IGS2005 | International GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service (IGS) of 2005 |
WGS84_G1150 | WGS84(G1150) - use ITRF2000 |
ITRF2000 | International Terrestrial Reference System 2000 |
IGS00 | International GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service (IGS) of 2000 |
IGb00 | NGS/IGS reference system of 2000 |
ITRF96 | International Terrestrial Reference System 1996 |
WGS84_G873 | WGS84(G873) - use ITRF96 |
ITRF94 | International Terrestrial Reference System 1994 |
ITRF93 | International Terrestrial Reference System 1993 |
ITRF92 | International Terrestrial Reference System 1992 |
SIOMIT92 | Scripps Institution of Oceanography /Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. 1992 (SIO/MIT 1992) - use ITRF91 |
WGS84_G730 | WGS84(G730) - use ITRF91 |
ITRF91 | International Terrestrial Reference System 1991 |
ITRF90 | International Terrestrial Reference System 1990 |
ITRF89 | International Terrestrial Reference System 1989 |
ITRF88 | International Terrestrial Reference System 1988 |
WGS84_TRANSIT | WGS84(transit) - use NAD83_2011 (see NGS's HTDP) |
WGS84_G1762 | WGS84(G1762) - use IGS08 |
WGS84_G2139 | WGS84(G2139) - use IGS14 |
Vertical Frame Name | Vertical Frame Description |
NAVD88 | North American Vertical Datum of 1988 |
NGVD29 | National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 |
ASVD02 | American Samoa Vertical Datum of 2002 |
W0_USGG2012 | Vertical datum of Hawaii (W0 from USGG2012) |
GUVD04 | Guam Vertical Datum of 2004 |
NMVD03 | Northern Marianas Vertical Datum of 2003 |
PRVD02 | Puerto Rico Vertical Datum of 2002 |
VIVD09 | Virgin Island Vertical Datum of 2009 |
CRD | Columbia River Datum |
EGM2008 | EGM2008(WGS84_G1674) |
EGM1996 | EGM1996(WGS84_G1674) |
EGM1984 | EGM1984(WGS84_G1674) |
XGEOID16B | xGEOID16b(IGS08) |
XGEOID17B | xGEOID17b(IGS08) |
XGEOID18B | xGEOID18b(IGS08) |
XGEOID19B | xGEOID19b(IGS08) |
XGEOID20B | xGEOID20b(IGS08) |
IGLD85 | The International Great Lakes Datum of 1985 |
LWD_IGLD85 | The International Great Lakes LWD Datum of 1985 |
OHWM_IGLD85 | The Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) relative to IGLD 1985 |
CRD | Columbia River Datum |
LMSL | Local Mean Sea Level |
MLLW | Mean Lower Low Water |
MLW | Mean Low Water |
MTL | Mean Tide Level |
DTL | Diurnal Tide Level |
MHW | Mean High Water |
MHHW | Mean Higher High Water |
LWD | Low Water Datum (non-tidal areas) | NAD27 | NAD 1927 |
NAD83_1986 | NAD83 (1986) |
NAD83_2011 | NAD83_2011 - North American techtonic plate fixed |
NAD83_NSRS2007 | NAD83_NSRS2007 - NAD 83(NSRS2007) National Readjustment |
NAD83_MARP00 | NAD83 (MA11/MARP00) - Mariana tectonic plate fixed |
NAD83_PACP00 | NAD83 (PA11/PACP00) - Pacific tectonic plate fixed |
WGS84_G1674 | WGS84(G1674) - use ITRF2008 |
ITRF2014 | International Terrestrial Reference System 2014 |
IGS14 | International GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service of 2014 |
ITRF2008 | International Terrestrial Reference System 2008 |
IGS08 | International GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service of 2008 |
ITRF2005 | International Terrestrial Reference System 2005 |
IGS2005 | International GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service (IGS) of 2005 |
WGS84_G1150 | WGS84(G1150) - use ITRF2000 |
ITRF2000 | International Terrestrial Reference System 2000 |
IGS00 | International GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Service (IGS) of 2000 |
IGb00 | NGS/IGS reference system of 2000 |
ITRF96 | International Terrestrial Reference System 1996 |
WGS84_G873 | WGS84(G873) - use ITRF96 |
ITRF94 | International Terrestrial Reference System 1994 |
ITRF93 | International Terrestrial Reference System 1993 |
ITRF92 | International Terrestrial Reference System 1992 |
SIOMIT92 | Scripps Institution of Oceanography /Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. 1992 (SIO/MIT 1992) - use ITRF91 |
WGS84_G730 | WGS84(G730) - use ITRF91 |
ITRF91 | International Terrestrial Reference System 1991 |
ITRF90 | International Terrestrial Reference System 1990 |
ITRF89 | International Terrestrial Reference System 1989 |
ITRF88 | International Terrestrial Reference System 1988 |
WGS84_TRANSIT | WGS84(transit) - use NAD83_2011 (see NGS's HTDP) |
WGS84_G1762 | WGS84(G1762) - use IGS08 |
WGS84_G2139 | WGS84(G2139) - use IGS14 |
Samples | |
1 |
Region: contiguous
https://vdatum.noaa.gov/vdatumweb/api/convert?s_x=-75.211&s_y=36.129 JSON output
2 |
Region: contiguous
https://vdatum.noaa.gov/vdatumweb/api/convert?s_x=-75.211&s_y=36.129&t_v_frame=MHW JSON output
3 |
Region: contiguous
https://vdatum.noaa.gov/vdatumweb/api/convert?s_v_unit=us_ft&s_x=-75.46803&s_y=35.602986&s_z=12.33&t_v_frame=MLLW&t_v_unit=us_ft JSON output
4 |
Region: Chesapeake/Delaware Bay
https://vdatum.noaa.gov/vdatumweb/api/convert?region=chesapeak_delaware&s_y=39.594706&s_x=-74.852064& s_h_frame=NAD27&s_v_frame=NGVD29&s_v_unit=m&height=0.0&t_v_frame=NAVD88&t_v_unit=m JSON output
5 |
Region: West Coast
https://vdatum.noaa.gov/vdatumweb/api/convert?region=westcoast&s_x=-124.1&s_y=44.9&t_h_frame=IGS14 JSON output