Vertical Datum Transformation
Integrating America's Elevation Data

Documents and Support

Here you can find several educational links that will step you through transforming elevation data with VDatum, provide brief introduction to datums, and much more.

arrow_right  Estimation of Vertical Uncertainties in VDatum

arrow_right  Frequently Asked Questions: such as why VDatum gives me -999999, etc..

arrow_right  User Guide: this page will guide you through all steps to transform an elevation data point or dataset with VDatum user-friendly interface.

arrow_right  Command-line Guide: an instruction of how to run VDatum as a command.

arrow_right  A brief tutorial about datums: a brief introduction of datums that are supported in VDatum.

arrow_right  Extra tutorials provided by NOAA/NGS about geodetic and tidal vertical datums

arrow_right  Presentations & Publications

arrow_right  Interpolation and Transformation Grid (.GTX) Format